WEBINAR DIGEST: Integrating Salesforce & SharePoint using XfilesPro

Our much-awaited webinar session has finally happened and right off the bat we would like to thank everyone for the phenomenal response we received. The session was housefull and the response is incredible. But even the people who missed attending the live session can reap the rewards. For their benefit, we bring this article which will quickly walk them through everything that went down in the event. The webinar was aimed at discussing the intricacies of executing Salesforce-SharePoint integration with the intelligent use of the XfilesPro application. The action-packed 30 mins long discussion began with our Sales Head, Rakesh N Rao shedding some light on the various key advantages of using external storage systems as means of replacing the primary Salesforce file storage. Not only does the use of external storage systems help in overcoming the limitations of native Salesforce file storage but it also has other benefits like file storage optimization & storage costs reduction. Followed by this, he moved on to discussing why the XfilesPro application is the most optimal solution when it comes to integrating different external storage systems with the native Salesforce application. He also mentioned some of the premium cloud-based storage solutions as well as the on-premise storage options that can be integrated using XfilesPro. Followed by this, he moved on to explaining why SharePoint storage is the #1 option when it comes to document management and actualizing an efficient file management strategy in Salesforce. Subsequently, our Product Consultant, Vedant Srivastava took over and gave everyone a quick demo of XfilesPro & how it can be set-up in the Org. If you wish to see the slideshare presentation of the webinar, please visit: During the course of the webinar, he also showcased three customer use cases belonging to the industry leaders from the logistics, educational & media industry & highlighted their specific Salesforce file management challenges. He also explained how each one of them addressed those challenges through efficient SharePoint integration using XfilesPro & what benefits they achieved. Towards the end of the insightful session, our Salesforce file management experts quickly summarized the advantages of using XfilesPro & how it can help Salesforce enterprises harness the untapped power of SharePoint. Following this, they answered a few of the questions posed by the webinar attendees after which the session was successfully concluded. Here is the full recap of the webinar session: There is a lot more in stock for our Salesforce customers as new and exciting webinars are planned for the coming months. Please follow us on our social media handles for latest updates about the upcoming webinars. AMARLAL