All You Want to Know About XfilesPro’s Tagging Feature for SharePoint & the Potential Benefits it Unfolds

XfilesPro’s Tagging Feature for SharePoint & the Benefits.

Are you using SharePoint to solve your business pain points? If yes, have you ever considered whether you’re leveraging the cloud platform to its fullest and getting the most value from it?

‘No’ if SharePoint Tagging sounds like a hill of beans to you!

For many years now, an untold number of businesses have been soberly looking at the benefits of tagging SharePoint documents with metadata that demands relatively little time and effort to act. Taking the business possibilities of Tagging into account, at CEPTES, we decided to introduce the popular SharePoint feature in XfilesPro to level up our next-gen application for our customers. Just with a vision that Tagging could unveil magical business benefits to them! 

Before digging deeper into how Tagging unfolds the best to XfilesPro and its users, let’s take a quick tour of this popular feature that SharePoint brought to the table years back.   

The Tagging Feature: SharePoint’s Promising Calling Card

Tags are keywords that you can assign to content. It can also be described as the assignment of categories or descriptive words to content, using labels that make some sense to the person who is tagging. When users add tags to a certain category in SharePoint, they’re essentially providing metadata to tell of what the content contains, what it does, or what it’s about. 

Once the metadata has been defined, SharePoint unleashes several capabilities that let you take advantage of Tagging to dramatically improve the findability and usability of the content. This includes the ability to use metadata as the subject of search to refine, filter, and view content. 

How XfilesPro Changed the Game with Tagging?

In the latest version of the XfilesPro, we surprised our customers by taking up the Tagging feature that brought about a drastic change in their workflow. 

Let’s see how Tagging works in XfilesPro:

When Salesforce users take support from XfilesPro to migrate their files from Salesforce’s primary storage to SharePoint, our application functions as a conciliator that allows them to Tag the content against specific columns. Through Tagging, we actually make some smart arrangements for the users to learn about the content contained in a specific file without opening it. Our strategy is simple and powerful!

Going in-depth, if the user adds Tags in Salesforce, they can view the same in SharePoint with XfilesPro’s support and vice versa without any change or disturbance to the template. This is possible because of our advanced Bi-Directional Sync option, which is unique and most beneficial to Salesforce users. With Bi-Sync, XfilesPro wears the hat of a mirror, as the app reflects the same tags in both Salesforce and SharePoint every time a tag gets added to any of the storage systems.

Being a Catalyst that Triggers Great Business Benefits

By adopting SharePoint Tagging in XflesPro, we mean nothing but providing some meaningful business values to your files. When we say value, we mean how foolproof your files are made for searching in SharePoint. Tagging improves the findability of your files by allowing a direct search of the content on a particular metadata column and enhancing search by placing refiners or filters. Furthermore, Tagging also helps you to use the column for the creation of views, search results, performance, sorting, and the appearance of the column in the search results display template. Lastly and most importantly, filter-based search unlocks the right strategy to generate powerful reports in a flash. 

Over to You…

Now that you have understood the business use cases and benefits of Tagging, the intelligent feature we introduced to XfilesPro. So, ponder over how your business can leverage its advantages and forge ahead in the Salesforce ecosystem. 

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