How to Store Salesforce Files in Amazon S3 Using XfilesPro: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Store Salesforce Files in Amazon S3 Using XfilesPro: A Comprehensive Guide

We know that you are using Amazon S3 to store your files. If you are not, you might be pondering using the platform for some needs. We are sure you will either be in the former or the latter stage.  So, we start with a few questions for you.  Are you really aware of the absolute potential of your S3 platform? Did you ever consider the possibility of S3 as a repository for your Salesforce files?  We will make this more interesting. Check the below calculation for your consideration. As you can learn from the data, the storing cost on Amazon S3 costs nearly 97% less compared to storing it on Salesforce. We hope we got your attention!  Keeping your Salesforce files on the S3 bucket will help you save pennies. And, there is no application like XfilesPro that understands this possibility.  Before delving deeper into how XfilesPro leverages the S3 platform to keep your files, let’s briefly discuss S3.  AWS S3: The Sky-high Depository  An Amazon S3 bucket is a public cloud storage resource available in Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) platform. The S3 buckets are similar to file folders and can be used to store, retrieve, back up, and access objects. This is one of the best ways for large businesses and organizations to store their files in a strong and reliable platform.  How XfilesPro Moves Salesforce Files to Amazon S3 Being the most trusted and #1 document management solution, XfilesPro connects Salesforce with your S3 platform. Without even the need for an additional connecting tool, XfilesPro establishes a seamless and powerful integration between both cloud environments. And, post-integration, the application automatically migrates your Salesforce files to Amazon S3 externally to optimize your storage space so that you no longer have to worry about overburdening your storage space or hitting the storage limit. Yeah, that’s all about that! By now, you understood how to store your Salesforce files in Amazon S3 with the help of the most trusted file management app for Salesforce. So, here is the time to learn about the benefits that this integration provides. Cost Effectiveness  As we have already seen above, with S3, you will be saving a huge amount of money. As XfilesPro frees up the file storage space of Salesforce, you can ward off the requirement to purchase extra storage space from the biggest CRM platform providers at a hefty price. Instead, you can invest in S3 which is a cost-effective approach for your business.  Learn more about how you can manage Salesforce files cost-effectively here. Ease of Migration If you are denying integrating your external storage to S3 thinking of the process of migration, you still have not gotten a clear picture of XfilesPro. Apart from automating the migration of new files that get generated within the CRM platform, XfilesPro can move the huge volume of files that is already present in your Salesforce file storage space. It’s XfilesPro’s Initial File Offloading functionality that helps with the migration of existing files in one go to the external storage. The best part is that when migrating files in large volumes, XfilesPro will also preserve the hierarchy of your files! Customized Folder Structure This is a capability that keeps XfilesPro a cut above the rest! Since Salesforce has limitations in arranging your files in a preferred way, XfilesPro has a solution to tackle this challenge. With XfilesPro’s Folder Structure feature, you will get an advanced option to arrange your files in S3 in a certain format that makes sense to your business. When the files are well organized in S3 and put up in the right folder structure, you can access the files very easily and experience a very streamlined process.  To delve deeper into the folder structure capability of XfilesPro, check here. The Easiness in File Management  Easy file management comes as a result of auto file migration and customized folder structure. These are capabilities that save your day as they provide you with extreme flexibility and advancements, eliminating manual efforts behind many works associated with Salesforce file management. Moreover, when you achieve a streamlined workflow, you can save significant work time, resulting in enhanced productivity.  Realtime File Collaboration Since working in an organization, it is highly critical to share files among workers for modifications. Sometimes, it’s even required to files to your external users for their contribution. However, it takes a lot of time to pass files from person to person. Understanding this challenge, XfilesPro empowers both your internal teams and external users to collaborate on files in real-time. This is an intelligent strategy that helps you achieve effective file collaboration in Salesforce that brings out potential benefits to the team.   Over to You!  By now, you saw a detailed picture of how XfilesPro helps you store Salesforce files in Amazon S3. If you’re curious to learn more about the integration process or the benefits that XfilesPro unleashes for your business, schedule a demo with one of our product experts today.   AMARLAL

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