A letter from the scariest day of the year – Halloween to Awesome Admins

A letter from the scariest day of the year – Halloween to Awesome Admins

Bwahahahahahaha…………. Oh no! That’s the laughter of the Storage Ghoul. It comes to life whenever the Salesforce storage has been full. My, My! Hadn’t you noticed it getting accumulated? You are in big trouble. This is no harmless ghoul that can be driven away by trick or treating’. Some serious amount of work has to be done to keep it stay away from your Salesforce storage.  This letter is to that Salesforce Admin who is petrified by the activation of the Storage Ghoul.  Ghostly Greetings!! Hey, Salesforce #AwesomeAdmins Q. Did you come across the worst nightmare of having your Salesforce file storage complete? Did the Storage Ghoul come to life again? Fret no more. We are here for you.  This time we are not going to delete or erase random files that were being done until last year. We are going to retain it and put an end to the Storage Ghoul forever. No witchcraft has come up with a spell that can bring this Ghoul back to life. No spiders are going to surf your web and nest inside your storage. You do not need to roam around your broomstick looking for a solution. This time we are going to creep the ghoul back.  We all know that during Halloween, being normal is vastly overrated. Hence our costume this year to wipe out all the Storage Ghouls is XfilesPro (drumroll please!). There is no appearance for the Storage Ghoul to be in the sequel because XfilesPro will kill it hard. Dive in to know deeply about the advantages of the same.  External Storage Integration: Did you think that the Storage Ghoul was ghosting you when you never heard of him in a while? No, you were wrong. It was waiting for your Salesforce storage to be full. Now that it is full, it is back in full swing. XfilesPro integrates your Salesforce app with the external cloud storage of your choice. The 3rd-party cloud platforms that are supported by XfilesPro are Google Drive, SharePoint, AWS S3, One Drive, and also on-premises storage systems (SFTP, Network Drive, SMB).    Folder Management: We have observed that sometimes you get traumatized and feel like you are in a cauldron burning when asked to locate a particular file. This is because the files are scattered like bats and are difficult to catch and hold off. XfilesPro helps in the proper folder hierarchy that helps in the fetching of files in no time.    Auto File Export: Exporting a large volume of files in Salesforce is not that you say Hocus Pocus and they are gone. It is a very tedious task. But nothing seems impossible with XfilesPro. Files are automatically archived alongside setting the future file migration process optimized.    File View: Counting the candies you got from Halloween bowl to bowl is very time-consuming. But not in the case of Salesforce files stored externally with XfilesPro. Once the files are migrated from Salesforce to external storage, XfilesPro has made it easier to have you access or view the files from either of the storage.   File Collaboration: To cope with the file management system and productivity, this feature comes into the picture. File collaboration helps in accessing centralized files with the internal and external teams. The powers of XfikesPro are getting stronger and stronger with each feature right?    Isn’t this the spooktacular inspiration that you needed to drive your Storage Ghoul away? Everything\’s better with a little magic in it. We present to you XfilesPro which is full of magic and wonder. At times, to stand against some unstoppable forces we need to revitalize our resources and look for a savior in town. Thank the good spirits!! You have XfilesPro.  Still, feeling eerie about the situation? Take up a call with our product experts who will use their magic wand to vanish all your doubts.   Signing off! Warm Bugs and Hisses   Costume Team XfilesPro  E: [email protected] W: xfilespro.com   AMARLAL

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