Why Document Management in Salesforce is Important? 5 Reasons

Why Document Management in Salesforce is Important? 5 Reasons

Data and documents are at the center of every business process in Salesforce. However, the profuseness of documents always creates challenges for users as effective document management in Salesforce is not everyone’s forte.  Having said that, your challenges in managing Salesforce documents shouldn’t impede the growth of your growing business.  As a Nitro study reports, 50% of […]

XfilesPro’s Guiding Principles: A Closer Look

XfilesPro’s Guiding Principles: A Closer Look

“Quality is our commitment to excellence, ensuring that we deliver the highest standards of products and services to our customers.” XfilesPro came to the market in the year 2013. With the pondering thought of how to augment the file management experience in Salesforce, our experts sat together and birthed XfilesPro. The managing of files in […]

Exploring Salesforce File Storage Options by Unleashing the Power of XfilesPro

Exploring Salesforce File Storage Options by Unleashing the Power of XfilesPro

Being the #1 CRM in the world, Salesforce is the most preferred platform to run business by enterprises from multiple industries. Running a big business comes with incoming files on a daily basis. With the piling up of files, the need for optimizing file storage has become very important. Organizations have highly dependent policies on […]

Salesforce File Management in the Easiest Way: Why XfilesPro?

Salesforce File Management in the Easiest Way: Why XfilesPro?

Did you know that Salesforce’s default file storage space is just 10GB per org? Is that really enough for you to satisfy your storage needs? We don’t think so, and it’s definitely not enough as your business scales. So, the next predicted step is obviously burning your money on purchasing additional storage space from the […]

The Role of Salesforce File Management in Streamlining Your Workflow

The Role of Salesforce File Management in Streamlining Your Workflow

Managing a big volume of files and information is common in every business process. However, when you juggle multiple processes on different IT systems, it means that your files can be generated hugely and stored in a number of different locations.  When it comes to the uninterrupted flow of your business, you need to have […]

What’s the Impact of Limited Storage Space in Salesforce File Management?

What’s the Impact of Limited Storage Space in Salesforce File Management?

Here’s the nightmare that will never end in the life of a #Salesforce admin — file storage limit. As Salesforce comes with very limited storage space, the admins are always afraid about hitting the storage cap.  Not only the storage space overloading, the worst part is that there are a lot of other challenges with […]

The new Christmas Duo is here – Santa and Captain Fido. Plan Your Wish List Now.

The new Christmas Duo is here – Santa and Captain Fido. Plan Your Wish List Now.

Season’s Greetings y’all !! No one should be alone on Christmas – The Grinch. Even your exceeding Salesforce file storage should not be left unmanaged this Christmas. Watch your step wherever you go, because you may step on a mistletoe. Have you ever gone through such a situation wherein you hit the Salesforce file storage […]

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