Why You Shouldn’t Miss XfilesPro’s Theatre Session at Salesforce World Tour Sydney 2024?

The Salesforce World Tour Sydney 2024 is in a few days and the buzz is definitely building. Like any other Trailblazer, we’re also thrilled to meet thousands of people congregating at ICC Sydney after a year. While the world is curious to witness how AI is transforming industries, XfilesPro is all set to host the Trailblazers as a top-tier Platinum Sponsor of the event. What doubles our joy is that it’s going to be the second consecutive year we are basking in the limelight as a Platinum Sponsor of the Sydney World Tour! Embracing the Power of Double Pride This time, Salesforce is gearing up for a mega event with over 140 sessions to showcase their product innovations and the power of Data + AI + CRM + Trust. For XfilesPro, the World Tour Sydney 2024 is not only a big opportunity to network with the global Trailblazer Community but is a great chance to present the next-gen capabilities of our document management solution to the world. For those innovation enthusiasts, who look forward to streamlining and leveling up their everyday operations, we’re proud to present XfilesPro’s document management solution at the Theatre Session. You heard it right! Theatre Session. Just like last year, we have once again received the golden opportunity to take the stage of the Theatre Session to share insights on ‘Document Management With XfilesPro: Smarter, Faster, Better.’ During the 20-minute live event, our experts Harish Kumar (Director, Co-founder) and Rakesh Rao (AVP, Sales) will take a deep dive into the common challenges associated with managing documents inside Salesforce and the most effective solutions for that. Because we feel it’s high time to help Salesforce users to do their best! Considering the huge volume of documents that mount up within Salesforce, their effective management mostly feels like an intricate task for Admins. During the Theatre Session, our speakers will unveil the best practices to deal with the growing volume of documents inside the CRM using XfilesPro’s advanced document management solution. Harish and Rakesh will offer a glimpse into different use cases depicting the hurdles in document management and XfilesPro’s key role in simplifying those challenges. Joining us, the audience will get a deeper understanding of the advancement of XfilesProand how they can get the most out of the document generation, storage, and collaboration capabilities that the solution offers. Talking about each application, XfiilesPo’s document generation app is designed to automate the creation of bulk documents within Salesforce with an effort of one click. The application provides added functionalities including template import and template creation and customization, access control, eSign attachment, custom note addition, multiple document type support, etc to unburden the complexities. Nextly, XfilesPro’s document management application majorly optimizes your file storage space and comes with additional functionalities such as no-code SharePoint, Amazon S3, OneDrive, Google Drive integration, auto file storage in external systems, easy migration/large file offloading, centralized document management, file archiving, file backup and recovery, folder creation and management, and much more. That means that the audience will gain solutions to their end-to-end document management requirements at the Theatre Session and joining us is crucial for them. If you’re one of those World Tour Sydney attendees, make sure you join us at 9:20 AM in Partner Theatre 1 for an outstanding session with our experts. See You at ICC Sydney Salesforce World Tour Sydney will be more epic than ever this year. If you look forward to getting the most out of the much-awaited tech summit, make sure you visit our Platinum Sponsor booth. We’re thrilled to learn from you how our products can accelerate your business growth. In addition to our document management apps, we will present the expertise of our data archive, backup, and seeding applications for Salesforce and how they can help users manage data in a more organized and easy way. Also, we’re more than happy to present live demos to show you how our apps work best for your demands. Choose a time to join our team at World Tour Sydney 2024! Looking forward to seeing you! Deeshna CDeeshna is a five-year experienced writer in the field of B2B, writing a wide range of content types that drive the success of SaaS products. All Posts www.xfilespro.com