Salesforce-SharePoint Integration – How to Transform your Salesforce File Storage Needs

n n n nnWith the advent of new companies in the technology landscape, the competition in one’s industry has increased exponentially. When various other companies also provide similar kinds of solutions & services to customers, enterprises must maintain an edge over their competitors by continuing to offer the best quality services to their end-users. For […]

XfilesPro 2.0 – Adorn with it’s Next-gen Salesforce File Management Capabilities

n n n n XfilesPro revamped. Yes, you heard it right. XfilesPro which is the best file management solution for Salesforce has now become more powerful than ever. The latest version of the application offers a full suite of advanced Salesforce file management & collaboration solutions that will take your CRM experience to a whole […]

XfilesPro Spring’20 Release is now LIVE in the AppExchange

XfilesPro Spring’20 Release is now LIVE in the AppExchange

n n n n XfilesPro Spring ’20 (Version 5.0) release is now live with the most awaited feature of SharePoint integration. Salesforce users can now move files from Salesforce to SharePoint using XfilesPro with seamless integration & collaboration.  n The release primarily focused on SharePoint integration with Salesforce for XfilesPro along with varied other new […]

XfilesPro now supports SharePoint for Salesforce external file storage

XfilesPro now supports SharePoint for Salesforce external file storage

n n n nnXfilesPro has added SharePoint as an external Cloud storage option for Salesforce users. Now Salesforce users can upload files & attachments to SharePoint without impacting the user experience in order to reduce file storage costs with seamless integration & collaboration.n As a leading external file storage & collaboration solution in the AppExchange […]

XfilesPro’s Latest Version 4.29 is Now Available in the AppExchange

XfilesPro’s Latest Version 4.29 is Now Available in the AppExchange

n n n n XfilesPro has released the latest version 4.29 of the application. The newest version of the #1 external file storage solution for Salesforce is now generally available for all the new as well as current users.  n The release primarily focused to add new & enhance current features for Amazon S3 in […]

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